Rehome your phone with reboxed
Over 7 million people in the UK don't have internet access. Help them get connected.
Donate a phoneIn partnership with
Join the movement
Stats show that for every 1 phone in use, 4 sit unused! So helping to close the connectivity gap is as simple as checking your bottom drawer for unwanted tech.

What we’re doing
Our charity partner Hubbub has already rehomed almost 10,000 smartphones. But with 28 million more going unsused in people’s homes, there’s lots we can do to get more people digitally connected.
We’re starting our commitment by donating phones to non-profit organisation, The Worldwide Tribe. Working closely with founder, Jaz O'Hara, this project aims to help the 68 million people who are currently displaced, get connected.

Rehome your phone
with the reboxed team
Got an old phone lying around?
Donate it now“If the last two years has shown us anything, it’s the importance of connection. Staying in touch with people we love and accessing essential services is vital, no matter who you are.”